Technical management

Angebot holen

The project’s technical part production is a huge complex of work. Not only about the selection of certain devices and equipment. The technical management of the event includes:

  • scene visualization
  • setup selection
  • team management 
  • logistics management
  • installation & de-installation
  • ensuring remote control work by light, sound, screens, or multimedia show

We offer our clients the technical management service within the event budget. 

Rider Rent company takes care of the full service of the event from a technical point of view. We don’t just select the necessary equipment for the task but take over the management of the entire process: from the idea to its implementation on the site. Comprehensive maintenance allows to save time, nerves and be confident in the result. The coordinator doesn’t need to handle specialists from different fields or manage the logistics.

For 15 years of practice, Rider Rent gathered a first-class professional team and set up a system. All processes are structured: each participant knows his area of responsibility, management process, and how to react in case of an accident.

Logistics is one of the most time-consuming processes in event management and we’ve made it clock-like in terms of work accuracy.

How does the Rider Rent team work as the event technical partner?

The event management includes several stages:

Technical task processing (professionals explore the location, its capabilities, discuss the event format, tasks, number of guests, artists, and their riders).

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